公司網址: Website |
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國家地區: Country and region |
中國大陸 |
公司簡介: | 南雁(廣東)供應鏈管理集團有限公司成立于2023年6月,位于美麗的濱海城市—湛江,是雷州市重點農業龍頭企業廣東南雁商貿有限公司的下屬子公司,本公司服務于農業板塊的現代化供應鏈管理,公司緊緊圍繞“打造卓越南雁、推進企業發展、服務鄉村振興”工作目標,踐行發揚“開放、包容、團結、奮進”企業文化,逐步發展成為管理現代化、制造標準化、產業一體化、業務國際化的深海事業領先者。 |
Company Profile: | Nanyan (Guangdong) Supply Chain Management Group Co., Ltd. was founded in June 2023, located in the beautiful coastal city - Zhanjiang, Leizhou City is the focus of agricultural enterprises in Guangdong Nanyan Trading Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company to serve the agricultural sector of modern supply chain management, the company closely around the “To create an outstanding South Goose, Promote enterprise development and serve rural revitalization, "practice and carry forward the" open, inclusive, united, progressive "corporate culture, and gradually develop into a deep-sea leader in management modernization, manufacturing standardization, industrial integration, and business internationalization. |
主要產品: Product |
金鯧 Pomfret-Golden;冷凍海產品 Seafood-Frozen; |