

      Country and region
      公司簡介: 深圳市君樂生態供應鏈有限公司(簡稱:君樂)是一家集原料收購、生產、銷售一體化的供應鏈公司。工廠坐落在福建省最大的海鮮集散地--漳州東山島,主要生產魷魚系列以及黃魚、帶魚、鯧魚等本港經濟魚類。工廠日產能達 100 噸,冷庫儲存約5000 噸。銷售總倉位于東莞鳳崗,并在深圳海吉星、廣州玉湖、廣州省冷等一級批發市場均設有銷售分店。旗下自有品牌:"鮮小成"、"君樂島"系列產品在社區電商以及社會團餐等渠道都有著非凡的知名度。君樂公司一直秉承著“顧客至上,合作共贏”的經營理念,始終堅持“品質第一”的原則,致力為我們所有客戶提供最優質的產品與服務。
      Company Profile: Shenzhen Junle Ecological Supply Chain Co., Ltd. (referred to as Junle) is an integrated supply chain company engaged in the acquisition, production, and sales of raw materials. The factory is located in Dongshan Island, the largest seafood distribution center in Fujian Province, and mainly produces a series of squid as well as local economic fish such as yellow croaker, hairtail, and pomfret. The daily production capacity of the factory reaches 100 tons, with a cold storage capacity of approximately 5000 tons. The main sales warehouse is located in Fenggang, Dongguan, and sales outlets are also established in primary wholesale markets such as Haijixing in Shenzhen, Yuhu in Guangzhou, and Shengli in Guangzhou. The company's self-owned brands, "Xian Xiaocheng" and "Junle Island," have gained remarkable popularity in community e-commerce and social group dining channels. Junle has always adhered to the business philosophy of "customer first, win-win cooperation," and consistently upheld the principle of "quality first," committed to providing the highest quality products and services to all our customers.
      銀鯧 Butterfish;多春魚 Capelin;黃魚 Croaker-Yellow;石斑魚 Grouper;鯧魚 Pomfret;金鯧 Pomfret-Golden;白鯧 Pomfret-Silver;帶魚 Ribbonfish;石斑魚 Rockfish;三文魚 Salmon;秋刀魚 Saury;虹鱒魚 Trout-Rainbow;鮑魚 Abalone;蛤/雜色蛤 Clam/Clam-Baby;魷魚 Squid;大魷魚 Squid-Giant;阿根廷魷魚 Squid-Illex;